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Larelle's Diary

Larelle's Diary
Level 122 and above
The Kid and the Curse (Completed), II: The Kid and the Curse (In Progress)
Item(s) Needed:
NPC(s) Involved:
  1. Could Larelle in Mirror World: [Mirror World] Henesys be the Goddess Teardrop? Alpha and Beta headed to MDmap323090100 to get answers from Evan.

  2. Evan told them that Larelle had summoned a monster that rampaged through town... and it wasn't the first time. Alpha and Beta set off for Henesys: Larhen&039;s House to see the creature for themselves.

  3. The monster in Larelle's home had the power of time. The evidence that Larelle was one of the Goddess Teardrops was piling up, but why wasn't he able to control his powers? Alpha and Beta read his diary in the hopes of finding out, but only found the rantings of a terribly depressed boy.


  • None