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Thread: Aran questions thread

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    Default Aran disussion thread

    I started up an Aran character recently, and hit 2nd job so far;

    Currently level 32.

    Anyway, it only got released two weeks ago or so, but gMS is probably gonna get it by next year, latest.

    Here are some things for you to chew on;

    Comparison to warriors;


    Among others, but I don't remember/know them.

    So what's the big deal with Aran anyway?
    Quite a bit. It's a radically different playing style than the other characters are, so might take some time getting used to. I took unusually long to get to 2nd job because I didn't have any funding, and I didn't PQ at all. The +5 Def/10 combo count is very nice, especially because I used my +2 Def top/bottom until level 25. ;o Waste of pots, in hind sight.

    They're much faster than warriors are, and getting high combo counts is actually really easy.
    However, if you DO want to get the event medal that +3's your stats and +50's your HP, you need a 500 combo; the easiest way to do this is to pump your DEX for a few levels, head off to somewhere difficult (like Wild Boars) with tons of HP pots, and spam Double Swing.

    Another thing is that their skills are all really different from the main classes; their booster starts to add +3 to your attack speed at 13 (I think), which pretty much makes all your polearms a Fast attack speed.

    I got the PG on them for the lulz, and it's pretty epic; after you hit them with the PG, they get a spikey ball above their head, and they can't do touch damage to you until it wears out. Awesome against mobs.

    The skill quests are a bit of a pain, especially when you have to go to Lith Harbour and you're in Ariant. ;[ And have a level 10 polearm equipped. D:

    Questions, comments, etc, welcome!
    Last edited by emailbox; 10th December 2009 at 11:13 PM.


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