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The Database Takes Flight

Key to the Treasures

Key to the Treasures
Level 100 and above
Where's Velderoth? (Completed)
Item(s) Needed:
1 x
1 x
1 x
20 x
20 x Ragged Cloth
20 x Specter's Sword Piece
20 x Specter Cube
20 x Specter Ambassador Scythe
NPC(s) Involved:
  1. Talk to Edea and find out how you can merge the sacred objects.

  2. Edea tells you to obtain special items from monsters of each region to instill energy into the sacred objects. Obtain 20 of the following items: Broken Flask from creatures near Treglow's LaboratoryRagged Cloth from creatures near Victor's WorkshopSpecter&039;s Sword Piece from Specters in other regions of the castle.Specter Cube from Specters in other regions of the castle.Specter Ambassador Scythe from Specters in other regions of the castle.

  3. You managed to bring the huge pile of requested items. Now will you able to fight Magnus?


  • 510,000 experience