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The Database Takes Flight

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어린 엘프 헬레나 (Completed)
Item(s) Needed:
NPC(s) Involved:
  1. You were thinking of the little elf that used to follow Mercedes around, but the Athena Pierce of the Bowman Instructional School is an adult. Maybe you should ask about the young elf you knew.

  2. Athena Pierce is not making any sense. Curse on the elves? Curse of the Black Mage? What's more, she says she IS the little Athena from Ossyria, and that centuries have passed since the day you remember. What is going on?

  3. Athena Pierce says it's been centuries since the Black Mage was sealed, and the heroes who sealed him have returned to travel Maple World and get stronger. It's a lot to take in, but her earnest look tells you she's speaking the truth.


  • None